With over two decades in the beauty industry, we bring unmatched experience and knowledge to support our professional community, helping you achieve excellence in every service.
28,000+ Therapists Trained
We’re proud to have trained over 28,000 therapists across the globe, empowering professionals to elevate their skills with top-quality techniques and products.
£250 Million Generated for Therapists
Through our products and training, our therapists have collectively generated over £250 million in revenue. We’re here to help you grow your business and maximise your potential.
Second-to-None Customer Service
Our dedicated customer service team is always on hand to support you. From product guidance to technical support, we go above and beyond to ensure your success.
Sienna X Bath & Body has returned. Our new & improved trio of products combines hydrating ingredients in a synergistic formula to deliver maximum moisture...
Lotions, sprays, mousses and drops -- today's fake tanning products come in an array of textures that each boast a tonne of specific benefits. Here's...