Be the beautiful you and let your confidence shine
“There are many benefits to having a spray tan – looking healthier and more radiant are just a few – but for me, I love how a spray tan can change how someone feels about themselves.
When I’m spray tanning new or existing clients, I want them to feel like a VIP and that’s because every client deserves to feel beautiful.
I want them to feel relaxed, comfortable and at ease… (I mean let’s face it, getting semi naked in front of a complete stranger for the first time can be quite daunting). To to me, this is just as important as creating them the perfect tan that they’ll feel proud to wear.
The most common word I hear when someone steps into my tanning tent is “sorry”
The most common word I hear when someone steps into my tanning tent is ‚Äúsorry‚Äù. ‚ÄúSorry for my stretch marks, sorry for my wobbly bits, sorry for my cellulite” and the list goes on, but I’m going to say to you what I say to them: You are beautiful just the way you are and this is what makes you, you! You are unique, a one off, a limited edition and I for one think that’s pretty special.
We all see pictures in the media of how we think we ‚Äúshould‚Äù look, and I’m pretty sure we all have areas of our bodies we would like to change, but the way I see it, we have to make the most out of what we have, so we need to love the skin we’re in. You have one body and one life, don’t waste them by wishing you looked like a picture from a magazine. I think this quote by Joubert Botha sums it up perfectly; Beauty starts in your head, not in the mirror.
Beauty starts in your head, not in the mirror
I think that a spray tan is so much more than just a coloured solution being applied directly to the skin, I honestly believe it helps give you confidence. The confidence to wear that bikini or swimsuit on the beach or to wear that gorgeous dress that has been hanging in your wardrobe since the day you bought it.
So next time you are stepping into a tanning tent, please don’t apologise for your body, you are beautiful just the way you are!”¬†üíó

Nina Warden
Be Beautiful Hair & Beauty