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Professional Tips & Advice

The difference in Waxing Styles

3 Min Read Friday 14th September 2018

Did you know, bikini waxing styles have nicknames that act as shorthand for the different styles you can choose from. These nicknames are useful because you don’t have to go into great embarrassing detail with your therapist about exactly how much hair you want removed from your nether regions. But how do you decode them if you’ve never had a bikini wax before?

Don’t worry though – here’s a little explainer on the differences between two popular bikini wax styles — the Brazilian and the Hollywood:

The Traditional Bikini Wax

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The Brazilian

This treatment goes far beyond a standard bikini wax, where only the hair at the sides (and sometimes the top) of the knicker line is removed. Your therapist will also wax all the way under to around the back of your bottom too, leaving you with a small area of hair at the very front which can be shaped in any design you like. However, in a classic Brazilian, a long, thin area of hair is left behind which is commonly referred to as a landing strip. It’s likely you’ll need to remove your underwear for this treatment or will be offered a disposable option that you can move to the side as each area is waxed.

The Hollywood

Incorporate everything that’s in a Brazilian wax and remove any remaining hair! Yep, that’s it…a Hollywood wax doesn’t leave a single hair behind on the front or back, so it’s perfect if you want to feel super-smooth. Again, you’ll need to remove your underwear for this style of bikini wax and may need to assist your therapist in pulling your skin taut to catch every hair and reduce discomfort.

That’s it folks! Go forth and bikini wax!

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