The best way to apply fake tan
All of our best fake tanning advice in one handy spot!
As industry experts, we’ve worked hard to create fabulous streak-free self-tan favourites so that everyone can feel like a glowing god or goddess from the comfort of their home.
With this in mind, we’re sharing our five easy steps on how to apply fake tan for a flawless glow every time.

- Shave or wax at least 24 hours before you self tan
We know how much you want to be a glowing god or goddess with your fabulous Sienna X tan however, this step is the most important for achieving a flawless colour.
Shave or wax any unwanted hairs at least 24 hours before, to ensure that your pores have enough time to close completely. Any presence of open pores can result in a spotty and uneven finish.
- Apply Sienna X Perfect Primer to drier areas of the body
Dry patches of the skin such as your knees, elbows, backs of feet and knuckles can often absorb more product than other areas and may result in a much darker and uneven tan.
For a flawless glow without the tell-tale signs, prep the skin beforehand with just a small amount of the Perfect Primer, and you’ll get an even result no matter what!
- Use a Sienna X Luxury Self Tan Mitt to protect the palms of your hands
One of the more telling signs of a self-tan can often be your discoloured palms from the product since they do not tan naturally at all.
Use your Luxury Self Tan Mitt with any of your favourite Sienna X self-tan products in a circular motion to apply it evenly over your body, and for any tricky areas such as your back – you can ask a loved one for a little help!
- Apply in an upwards motion
When applying your favourite Sienna X self-tanner, work in an upwards circular motion from the feet up to ensure even coverage. This way, as you work up the body applying your product, you do not risk smudging any product already on your body.
How to apply fake tan like a pro? When reaching areas such as your hands, neck and face, utilise any excess product on your mitt first before adding any more product to provide a sun-kissed glow. Much like your palms, these areas don’t tend to catch the natural sun as much as the remainder of your body.
- Allow the colour to develop fully before taking a shower.
Dependant on which self-tanner you’ve selected, you’ll want to follow the development instructions carefully to get your perfect colour before showering away any guide colour.
When it comes to showering, be sure to use lukewarm water until the water runs clear to ensure there isn’t any remaining guide colour on your skin. Then be sure to pat yourself dry, rather than rubbing to maintain your beautiful new colour.
Want to know how to apply fake tan and make it last? To prolong your tan, be sure to moisturise using your favourite product daily to keep your skin hydrated and lock in your colour.
For more advice and guidance, be sure to follow us on social media via our Instagram & Facebook pages.