Professional Tips & Advice
2 Min Read
Friday 24th March 2017
Contouring spray tans for men
Want to give your six-pack an edge, tighten up your pecs or define those deltoids? 
Give those dumbbells a rest and book in for a contouring spray¬†tan! It’s the easiest and speediest way to accentuate your muscle tone and create that much sought for ‘V’ shaped physique.
Here’s what ‘tantouring’ can do for you:
- A darker shade of tanner applied down the sides of the torso draws the eye inwards and create the illusion of a slender waist.
- Outlining abdominal muscles with a darker colour highlights an existing six pack and tightens up the look of a washboard stomach. This clever airbrushing technique takes seconds and adds definition exactly where you want it, resulting in a targeted finish. Simply flex your muscles in the tanning booth so that your therapist can follow the outline and create a consistent contoured tan.
- Highlighting the deltoids makes the shoulders muscles look leaner and stronger.
- Want a toned tushie? Your therapist can accentuate your gluteal muscles too to get you one step closer to those buns of steel without a single burpie.
- A touch of tanner applied to the hollows of your cheeks will slim down your face and draw attention to your cheekbones. It will also camouflage spots and scars, even out a patchy skin tone and uplift a dull complexion.
- The perfect ‘tantour’ will look as natural as possible because your therapist will blend the colour in to build up to a seamless golden glow.
So, what are you waiting for? Accentuate those muscles without breaking a sweat! Book your contouring tan today.