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Tints, Developers, Removers & Pencils

Discover the collection of tints, developers, removers and pencils from the Professional Brow Collection by Sienna X. Fast acting tint developers and tint removers, specially formulated by colour experts to work specifically with the Sienna X brow tint range.

Discover the collection of tints, developers, removers and pencils from the Professional Brow Collection by Sienna X. Fast acting tint developers and tint removers, specially formulated by colour experts to work specifically with the Sienna X brow tint range.

Showing 13–13 of 13 results

Brow Tint Light Brown
Brow and Lash Tint Return Light Brown .

Brow + Lash Tint, Light Brown 3.1 (15ML)

£5.47 + VAT